About Max Enix

about max enix

Welcome ! Eyes to the Future !

Hello I Am Max Enix Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Manager, Actor, Investor, made some humanitarian work Etc... I have worked in different fields (Real Estate/property 10 years with my business partner, Commercial, Head of A&R Bands/Artists Signatures, Alternative Medicine (where I have rebalanced the energy field and saved many people/Animals by hand imposition Etc..) = Spiritual work, restauration, some private/adult areas (X) as actor Etc...= I could have had a professional career in all these fields but decided to stop)! I continue with investments and others! I come from a family of doctors & workers too! Nothing to hide


Big Announcements will come in time in the music industry and my (Artistic) projects (Great opportunities I will take) ! As said already before... I will certainly create a new international Label too (Enix records) for the transcendent (and Epic) Bands/Artists around us in every countries/continents (every kind of music and all the colors) = UNION ! Create a different VISION that the closed minded/rigid/sectarian sharks of farce/Jokers of vice wanted to impose on us and those who mislead us from great values, emotional intelligence, soul beauty and others ! But will sign with major ones already and we will see (with the label or not)! Create a new Society, a Better and beautiful world full of LOVE (not shit as some and counter/catch all these guys) !!! TRUE ART and PASSION (not a product for money or pleasure only) ! The sheeps will not be the same because they will evolve to something more smart, clever and they will become phoEnix's! My/our VISION is not theirs ! Time to put things back in order and re-establish communication in this upside down society! You know, the masses are so stupid in general ! The REALITY/FUTURE is here (only with the good ones/souls) ! + Humanitarian work all around the world with them ! An Isle of Love (Paradise) away from sectarian and conditioned behaviors ! See previous posts...


You can listen and buy the Epic and internationally acclaimed Max Enix: Far From Home double Album here (original and orchestral): https://maxenix1.bandcamp.com/ and the more simple Constellia: Secret Garden Album (co-composition) on Bandcamp too !
Many others things will come soon (Albums, Projects, Big Live Shows/Tours/Fests with Fantastic lightings/sounds in Asia principally, USA, UK etc..., Collaborations, Cinema, Investments Etc...) ! Max Enix Website: https://www.max-enix.com/


Max Enix: Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...)Etc...! Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator & Arrangements!


I'm going to gradually disassociate myself from the pure metal scene and certain scenes in order to merge the genres! Filmscore, Prog, Rock, metal, Rap/Hip Hop/Rnb, Pop, Variety, Jazz, World/New Age, Electro, Dark/New Wave Etc... Etc...And get away from sectarianism, sickly communitarianism and ingratitude! The metal scene now is gangrened by Some nazis, idiots, Snakes in disguise, People with a mental age worthy of kindergarten (close to 5 years of mental Age/Soul)! Reach Higher Levels like some Artists of the past and like some actual ones (modern , futuristic and Avant Garde = New Codes)! Towards EVOLUTION,  not Regression or Stagnation ! Some need to evolve in their heads and innovate ! Instead of proposing the same crap over and over again and justifying it to the masses, the sharks of farce and the brainless sheep! It s because of them that the world going round in circle again and again and that we hear always the same thing in repeat! They are locked into their ideals and want to impose them on others ! STOP !!! Break the codes ! We are STRONG Alone and with the good ones not Weak ! Be ready for the new EVOLUTION ! Light & Darkness united against the scumbags of this Earth ! Huge and Major Announcements to come (Music, Projects, International Labels, Shows and Label creation for transcendent bands out there, investments, Isle of Love and great souls Etc...) ! An empire for talented artists and being like me! ART like David Bowie, Michael Jackson etc... have done in the past and like some people do again actually like Devin Townsend , Hans Zimmer Etc... ! All the projects/Albums colors will be completely different from one to the next (BUT Always ART before ALL) ! I work only with great people with values and a great and broader VISION like mine ! Not shit and networks of fuckers and whores only ! I don't want to be lumped in with the worst  unscrupulous/mythomaniacs people (jokers of vice) anymore like in the past !


I'll be revealing the artists who will be accompanying me (to play my music) as I go along (Everything will depend on the albums, just like the concerts) but I will always work with Thomas Kubler for the orchestrations and some arrangements (that's for sure) and even if I have some awesome contacts too ! By the way the orchestrations in the next Albums will be much more massive than in Far From Home (when we don't use a real orchestra) ! Thomas Kubler is the best orchestrator that I have work with and by FAR and his only 27years old ! Congrats ! Huge Projects and Announcements in the coming years  in different fields (International Labels, film music, Cinema, Music industry, Business , tour production, fests Etc...) will be examined ! People that will work hard on it like me !!!  


Far From Home will be reissued to the general public (with a biggest promotion this time) in the same way as future Albums ! I'm open to more formatted Albums but I'd like to keep my Artistic Vision !


I'm self taught like Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman and many artists !  My work methodology is close to Hans Zimmer (no music theory like him) and I compose all by ear = Absolute Pitch/Ear (what I have in my mind, what I feel) and then after I work with collaborators ! Exemple: https://nofilmschool.com/2018/07/watch-hans-zimmer-scoring-gladiator-interstellar ! If you need me for one of your projects it will be a pleasure to help you/work with you and compose some songs for you or sing on them ! Send me a private message !


Can't wait to hear your compositions, read your messages and see your proposals on every fields ! I'm here if you want to talk ! The Future is Here 


SO ! I'm under the control of nobody and the slave of nobody ! I don't kowtow to anyone and I'm nobody's dog! I have enough means to be FREE , not be dictated to and keep my way of thinking! 


My priorities are as follows:


*Continue to promote the internationally acclaimed Max Enix Far From Home double Album (Reviews, Interviews, Articles...) like at the beginning of last year and the years before ! Seeing as no one is doing any promotion anymore on their side (apart from certain media and people, which I thank) for a BIG project like this one !!!


*Advance in my artistic projects ! Finalise the 2 new albums "Beauty in Darkness" (Autumn 2025) and "Ocean of Light" (Autumn 2026) as well as the video clips Etc... and sign with a major or big international label  who will also re-release Far From Home and offer me deals for future albums ! And who will share my Album in all continents and do a big promotion like I will do ! Then organise tours and shows/festivals (Asia, US, UK then Europe Etc...) with production companies or others ! To see = Negotiation will come in time = different possibilities = nothing is set in stone) ! By the way the orchestrations in the next Albums will be much more massive than in Far From Home (when we don't use a real orchestra) !


*Devote myself to music for films/games etc... (sending Albums to specialised companies...) ! Acting in films! Collaborations (singing, projects, compositions...), proposals (cinema...), partnerships (music industry etc...) ! Far From Home and future projects as huge opera rock and more ? Scenario creation to elaborate movies (Far From Home, future ones Etc...) ! To see in time...


*Create an international label specialising in epic and transcendental music Etc... Give a chance to those who the sharks of the industry who only think about money don't give! FUCK YOU ! And help them to realize their dreams !  


*Some investments (property) and work in private areas of course always aside ! 


*Big proposals in different fields (International Labels, film music, Cinema, Music industry, Business , tour production, fests , collaborations Etc...) will be examined


*Take care of my house! My private life! My aging family in Bretagne! To uphold JUSTICE and TRUTH wherever it may be ! No longer be associated (my image) with dishonest and unclear people who only make false promises! To preserve my honour! Do humanitarian work, keep a spiritual and deep life as much as possible, give Love wherever I am and maybe find/know the Love of my life (twin flame), Follow my own path and preserve my values... Relieve the pressure and devote myself to my hobbies (sport, listening to music, video games, restaurants, cinema, etc.), organise outings, take trips/travels, Have fun etc. The good things in life too !




I have my own vision and I spit in the face of those who want to impose theirs! I've come full circle on humanity, human stupidity and its limitations ! Some are nothing but incompetents and bunch of sell-outs who just want to be the party poopers! I'm not like them ! 


The ALIEN is here and came back from the dead ! Our souls are safe ! So preserve the good ones please ! We know who we Are !!! 


Have a great day! HUGE things are coming ! Stay strong and true 




Max Enix 


*A reminder for the jealous mythomaniacs out there who spread false informations (not only on music = if you only knew) and want to put themselves forward wrongly and control people/media ! Note = Songwriter since the worldwide acclaimed double Album Max Enix: Far From Home where I am Composer (music), Songwriter, Singer, Art Director, Lyricist, Actor (Videos...) Etc...! It was not the case on the Constellia: Secret Garden Album (co-composition/Singer/Lyricist/Actor...) ! For the Future Albums (Beauty in Darkness, Ocean of Light Etc...) it will be the same as Far From Home and of course I will create all the vocals lines too for the guests and mine (except the black metal ones) Etc... ! And with Thomas Kubler: Orchestrator and Arrangements too once again ! I compose all with piano/keyboards/Strings except the vocals made separately Etc...! And then Thomas Kubler retake all and orchestrate (before the musicians play their parts in the Original version / Not orchestral) ! Lots of film composer proceed like that (Hans Zimmer and many others...) ! I'll always be a live performer with powerful, emotional and professional vocals! Some people can say what they want ! I know what I do or not ! The next albums will be even more accomplished in this respect ! Everything will go much further again ! The Future is here !


***I'll probably write a book , make a concept Album and make a film about my life later on! There's so much to say about the society, some humans, the beauty of things too Etc... ! I had to deal with a lot of nastiness and jealousy during some periods of my life, but also with the depression of my father, a Doctor general praticer (bothered by gypsies, drug addicts, perverse nurses who were out of place...) who had taken refuge in alcohol and excess, etc.... But also stupid social classes wars, etc...  Restore the TRUTH in Everything ! And I will do humanitarian work (Hand imposition and others) in different countries to help those who are suffering (when no one care) !!! TOGETHER we will Change this Society ! Protect your/our souls ! <3


*Principal Facebook Page here with lots of informations: https://www.facebook.com/max.enix.73/

WELCOME my Friends ! I Am Max Enix ! Eyes to the FUTURE ! In LIGHT and DARKNESS... Stay TRUE to yourself in this dangerous and FAKE WORLD and stay UNITE ! They'll want to destroy your light by any means necessary (or pretend the invert = Judas/Snakes in disguise (backstabbers/Spies...) to better fool people and continue their Crimes sneakily and stab you in the back later), but your/our soul is stronger! The sorting souls (battle) has begun ! Know how to do your own thinking without the help of ANYONE ! Because other people can be surveillance cameras or snakes that will lead you away from the TRUTH! Some will side with the executioners and will invent fake stories ! Remember history = That suits them (for many reasons because they want to sideline you by diverse strategies) ! But intelligent people know the difference and will take an other path ! They wanna see you do good but never better than them ! Remember That ! If you have things they don't have they will hate you, slyly or not (or will corrupt others so that they'll hate you too) ! And don't forget... Some people will try to oust you and use you to get the job and opportunities to your place! You can see that everywhere (Jealousy)! Armies of haters! They feel targeted by your comments and it's driving them crazy! They talked so much rubbish about you that they're forced to make you look bad and invert roles! "The technique of bad people is to make you look bad! " Never Forget ! BUT They are constantly changing their strategies or inverting the roles depending of the person/situations (to buy/trap/fool/scam/rape you or others behind fake sugar words and create alliances of fools against the good ones = Games to nourish their fake images, try to sideline the good ones and if they cannot control you, they control the others = Spies again that check all your interactions and they joke on you after behind fake accounts or not = to have you in their pockets) ! So they take you as whores with money in front of your eyes but in the end we fuck their Ass in return ! This way people think that the problem is yours and not them (mislead and disinformations = Divide and conquer) ! No one can bought us behind our backs! And after they use (manipulated/fake) words/data/stories against you and others (blackmailing us/you) ! They like to cause trouble and believe in their own lies ! They want your money and your body in the same time (TOXIC) to satisfy their own pleasure! But clever people are not fooled ! We will decimate all the clowns alliances ! They'll be up against forces they don't know! I am not paranoid but I am lucid and feel/see things ! Work Hard ! Create your own rules ! Break the codes ! Follow your own path ! Deep in our souls ! You're not other people's puppets/slaves ! Make your Difference ! True # Fake ! I'll never pretend to do things the way too many people do! You choose! But the humans are so fake and deceitful that good intentions become sometimes suspect or weird (now)! It's The way it is and there's nothing we can do! And don't forget... The road to hell is paved with good intentions too! We have to be careful! Let's continue to create our path! Even if it's against a lot of people! Protect your soul from some pseudo leaders who fool you (with Big Lies and others)! We know who we are and we don't have to keep up with the mad masses and their obscurantism/fanaticism! TRUE (DIVINE) JUSTICE and all its forms ! FIGHT TO DEATH FOR FREEDOM ! Time to Evolve ! A new Society/Path is possible ! Victory is All I/We Know ! FUCK the Haters/Jokers hard & deep in their Fucking Ass ! APOCALYPSE is here and some will hate us for that ! Tell lies About me ? I will tell the Truth About you ! To an Infinite power ! Humans ??? Ahahahah What a mascarade ! Between us... when I'm with someone (Whoever they are) I always respect other people's expectations and desires ! Love for ALL is Universal! NOBODY CONTROL US ANYMORE ! Don t be afraid to be the Enemies of Reality ! Don t be afraid to be the Enemies of fools ! LOVE will Triumph in the End ! And Remember that ALL IS GUIDED (DIVINE) ! The FUTURE is Here !

Thanks for the support...

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